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This headstone is made of closed cell foam rubber with a waterproof hardcoating of Dryloc latex cement. The hardcoating is tinted beige and detailed by hand. It comes with a removable base for added realism and stability, and contains 2 pvc channels for easy mounting in the yard. This headstone reads "Victor Perez Loving Husband Dedicated Father 1963 - 2009". Dimensions: 31x24x3

RENTAL PROP. 1 week rental price is listed. Replacement value is $250. Rental account required. Subject to availability. If you need to rent today or tomorrow, please contact us.

1 week rental price is listed. Replacement value is $250. Please add your rental dates to the order notes at checkout. Subject to availability. Rental account required. If you need to rent today or tomorrow, please contact us.

Victor Perez Wide Headstone Rental

SKU: 3125-RENT
Regular price $ 40.00
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US & Canada Shipping Only
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This headstone is made of closed cell foam rubber with a waterproof hardcoating of Dryloc latex cement. The hardcoating is tinted beige and detailed by hand. It comes with a removable base for added realism and stability, and contains 2 pvc channels for easy mounting in the yard. This headstone reads "Victor Perez Loving Husband Dedicated Father 1963 - 2009". Dimensions: 31x24x3

RENTAL PROP. 1 week rental price is listed. Replacement value is $250. Rental account required. Subject to availability. If you need to rent today or tomorrow, please contact us.

1 week rental price is listed. Replacement value is $250. Please add your rental dates to the order notes at checkout. Subject to availability. Rental account required. If you need to rent today or tomorrow, please contact us.
